About Us
About Us
Created to address the uninsured population, The WellFund is the compassionate solution for healthcare providers, delivering an educational and supportive program to transform financial challenges into opportunities.
Our direct community outreach educates individuals on their healthcare options while providing guidance in the enrollment process for both state and federally funded programs. Navigating through the complexities, we assist past, current and future patients across the entire lifespan. From birth to retirement, The WellFund is always available to assist individuals with all their medical coverage needs.
Our commitment to providers and patients does not end with the enrollment process. We continue to monitor coverage, ensuring premium activation dates are met and that coverage remains active. The WellFund heightens the patient experience while serving as a valuable support system to those that need it most.
As a compassionate partner, we employ a proactive approach to achieve improved quality standards while creating a lasting impact. From beside education to over the phone enrollment assistance, The WellFund tailors to meet the needs of the provider and their patients.
Providing A Seamless Experience
Screening & Enrollment
Utilizing multi-channeling communication and business analytics, we identify the appropriate funds and assists individuals throughout the application and enrollment process.
Dedicated Call Center
Live, off-site support staff is available to those that need assistance throughout the enrollment process even after discharge. Our call center advocates can help answer questions, complete applications and gather documentation needed for the approval process.
On-Site Advocates
Maximizing patient interaction and education, on-site advocates are available during pre-service, admission and post-discharge for questions and support throughout the enrollment assistance. Our advocates are available bedside and all patient access areas at participating hospitals.